Sunday, May 29, 2016

Familiar Foes

We have been fortunate enough to piece with Loyola for the past two weekends. They are putting together a 4+ to race at the Intercollegiate Rowing Association (IRAs) at Mercer on June 3-5, and so they were more than willing to race us for the past two weekends. 

The distance of the pieces varied but the intensity did not - the competition was always fierce. We raced 2,000 meter pieces all the way down to 500 meter blasters, trying to produce as much speed as possible. We were joined by a Loyola spare pair and a women's double, who started in front of us, adding to the fun. Ian Schmertzler, our coxswain, managed the conditions and the other boats masterfully, dodging them when necessary to minimize the wake that we rowed in. Other distractions were present, as during our first piece we were followed by multiple launches with one even trying to coach us during the piece. There is nothing like focusing on technique to distract you from rowing at race pressure. 

The multiple pieces over the two weekends allowed us to practice starts, sprints, moves, and rowing at base. Conditions were beautiful as a whole, but we managed to even practice in winds and currents thanks to the ever varying Baltimore Harbor. 

We were grateful for the chance to row next to a crew as it will only help us for the dual races. Good luck to Loyola when they compete this upcoming weekend at the IRA! 

Bonus clip: Rowing at base during a 1500 meter piece. We borrowed a boat from Loyola for that practice. Notice the water's movement on the boat's bow - hull design has come a long way.

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